Tuesday, January 15, 2013

two birthdays

let's be real, the star of this picture is my hair.
we might have forgotten to get candles...so we stuck two matches in the cake. haha, it was really classy. and resourceful.

 today i turned 22, and it was my first birthday away from home.  maybe that sounds a little crazy and you're thinking to yourself, "she must not get out much." but the thing is i go to school 1790 miles away from home and i just so happen as to usually be home from christmas time to april. but since i'm trying to graduate asap, i'm at school instead of in ohio.  
so before i flew back out to utah i celebrated my birthday with my awesome parents, mike and georgia, and it was so much fun; they're the coolest parents and i'm glad they put up with me wanting to hang out with them all the time.

the cake was from this awesome bakery in whitehall.  so. good. 

The insanely adorable card kayela sent me. i kind of want to frame it; it's that cute.

birthday swag.
 my actual birthday was so fun, too. i got so many cute texts and voicemails all day from all my favorite people. the text from my dad made me a little weepy! he's so sweet. tonight my adorable roommates made me brownies tonight and they actually bought candles (smart girls) and they were delish.  on friday one of my best college friends kassi is driving up and we're going to see vocal point and eat some chick fil a and hang out so the birthday celebrating isn't over yet! 
bam. birthday brownies. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

shortest break, ever.

my christmas break was only 3 weeks long. usually i'm home from mid-december to mid-april, but i'm trying to graduate as quickly as possible. so i'm back in idaho getting ready to start a new semester tomorrow.
i'm a truly terrible blogger, so i'll just give a quick summary of my awesome, fun, too short break.

1. a couple days after i flew into columbus, my sister emily and i drove to southern indiana to see kaylea and go with her to her ultrasound to find out the gender of trueblood baby #2.....it's a girl! my first niece! we celebrated with puppy chow (natch) and pizza from sports time; they have the best pizza on the planet.
 since emily was flying to phoenix to be with her hubs for christmas, we had to get a picture of us girls! we never see each other enough during the year :(
 2. on december 20th we celebrated emily's birthday! she's 25 now! we went to city bbq; their fried pickles are to die for.
 3. i spent lots of quality time with  hank before he left to spend christmas in az.
 4. i went to a osu basketball game! we lost to kansas, but my adenaline was pumping like crazy; there is no better feeling than jumping on your feet, throwing your hands in the air and screaming when a buckeye sinks a 3.
5. spent christmas at home with my parents, kaylea and her hubs and son.  my oldest brother adam was going to come but he got super sick and wasn't up for the drive from louisville :( 

6. new years eve was spent on the couch drinking martinelli's and avoiding live nye broadcasts because they make me uncomfortable.  

7. celebrated my birthday early with my fam (it'll get its own post closer to my birthday.  jan 15. mark your calendars.)

8. hung out with my parents a ton because they rule and are perfect.