Wednesday, November 30, 2011

blog re-do

ok, so i almost forgot that i had this blog, until clark had mentioned that when he googled me he saw that i had a blog with only 4 entries. oops.
so, i've decided to delete all 4 of my previous posts and start fresh!
seriously though, my sisters, emily and kaylea, have awesome blogs that i'm obsessed with looking at, and i get so pouty when they don't post every week so i'm going to try to keep up with them.

as my official new first post, i would like to talk about something me, clark, his sister jenna, and their little cousin did over the thanksgiving break....

....jump on huge trampolines! 

I am seriously a lover of trampolines; a few weeks ago when it was still warm, me and clark jumped on his grandparents' trampoline and it was soo much fun.
so, when clark's great-aunt offered to take us to a warehouse filled with trampolines, i was shamelessly more excited than the 12 year old.
isn't he cute?
oh yeah, and me and jenna beat clark at a little 2-on-1 trampoline basketball game. we dominated; he was so pouty about it. 
and! it was jenna's birthday! i can't think of a better way to celebrate your 20th birthday.