Friday, November 16, 2012

i am gigi.

one of my favorite movies of all time is he's just not that into you.
 i'm starting to see how now that i'm 21 and am slightly more involved in the dating scene then i was in high school 
-when the drill was "oh, you're cute and we like each other so let's date super exclusively until i don't like you anymore"-
this movie is where i look for go-to dating advice.
multiple times a week while discussing boys and dating with my friends i quote this movie.
a certain few lines from he's just not that into you currently mirror my life:

gigi: So what now? I'm just supposed to turn from every guy who doesn't like me?
alex: Uh. Yeah!
gigi There's not gonna be anybody left. 

oh gigi, we have so much in common.
isn't that so sad, yet so true?! there are usually a few scrubs that you keep in your life just because having no boys at all in your life is no fun, but if none of these boys really like you you're kind of wasting time.

oh, and this quote especially:

"If a guy doesn't call you, he doesn't want to call you." 

soo...if i boy ends a phone call with " yeah, k, i'll call you later this week" yet he never does, i should call him, right? and the second that thought creeps into my head i think of alex and gig's conversation. no, if a boy wants to talk to me, he'll call me. it's easy advice to take until no one is calling you, but i'm starting to realize it's better to just let go and move on.  besides, at the end of the movie alex and gigi get together and they're the cutest couple ever. so, i'll just keep waiting for my alex. 


  1. So so true. Listen to Alex. I like the stalker girl going on about how dumb caller ID is. Ha.

    1. haha! yes. I want to reserve the right to call a boy in 15 minute increments until he picks up without him knowing it's me, because that would make me look crazy, which clearly, I'm not.
