Monday, December 5, 2011

jurassic park

i know exactly what you're thinking: did a velociraptor egg hatch in our kitchen?
close. so close.
one of our roommates accidently left some eggs boiling on the stove while we all went to a church activity.  when we learned that we would have to do skits me, tasha, and kassi bailed and came home to an apartment that smelled like the reptile house of a zoo.  after a little investigating we discovered that the stovetop had evaporated all of the water the eggs were boiling in and was just burning all the eggs.  one of the eggs was very brave, indiegga jones, we'll call him, and he jumped out of the hot pot and onto the floor.
see that? he really got some air.  bless his heart, his brave attempt was in vain and we discovered him, literally black and blue inside.  my guess is that maybe they were already rotten? it was seriously green and purple inside.
here is a nice little view of the inside of the pot.  just imagine how bad our apartment smells and multiply that times 10
anyways, this was hilarious, and we felt like awesome little investigators trying to figure out what exactly happened. 
goodness, it was so ridiculous.


  1. I would have given ANYTHING to see that little guy make his leap of freedom.

  2. poor eggy!! bless his yolk soul!
